JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police officers installed barricades at a number of points leading to the National Monument Statue (Monas) area of Central Jakarta, to anticipate the crowds of the 212 Reunion action.

According to Antara's observation, in the Monas area, Central Jakarta, early Thursday, the police began installing barricades in the form of barbed wire at midnight Wednesday, December 2nd.

In addition to using barbed wire, officers also closed the protocol route using an orange road divider.

Not only from the police, a number of members of the TNI and the DKI Satpol PP also participated in setting up barricades.

Then, the officers also put up a sign that reads "Restricted Area Flow Diversion". The joint officers are on standby at all points in the Monas and Horse Statue areas.

A number of motorists were seen having to turn their vehicles around to find another route due to the road closure.

Road closures in the Monas and Horse Statue areas include Merdeka Selatan Street, Merdeka Utara Street, Merdeka Barat Street, Budi Kemuliaan Street, Veteran Street and Museum Street.

Officials enforce road closures from Wednesday at 24.00 western Indonesia time to Thursday at 21.00 western Indonesia time.

Regarding the closure, the officers carried out traffic engineering from Thamrin Street to the Horse Statue Roundabout, turning left or right towards Kebon Sirih Street.

Then, vehicles from Abdul Muis Street will go straight to Harmoni because Budi Kemuliaan Street and Museum Street are closed.

Vehicles from the Tugu Tani direction to Merdeka Selatan Street and Merdeka Utara Street are diverted to Riswan Rais Street-Merdeka Timur Street or to the Cathedral Church or Istiqlal Mosque.

Meanwhile, the route from Harmoni is diverted to Juanda Street, and from the west, namely Tomang, it is straightened or turned left towards Kota Tua.

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