Because Of The Content Of 'Meddling In MUI Affairs, Father Benny Must Resign,' Rocky Gerung Etc. To Police
Rocky Gerung (Photo: Screenshot of Youtube @Gita Wirjawan)

JAKARTA - The coordinator of the Nusantara Advocates Movement, Petrus Salestinus, reported allegations of hate speech via social media to the Metro Jaya Police. Where, there are several suspected perpetrators, one of whom is Rocky Gerung.

"A number of people who we asked to hear about were Hersubeno Arief, Rocky Gerung, Refly Harun, Adi Masardi, and Natalius Pigai," said Petrus to reporters, Wednesday, December 1.

This report is also based on the video content uploaded by the Rocky Gerung Official YouTube account with the title 'MISSION OF MUI AFFAIRS, ROMO BENNY MUST RETURN OR BE FIRED FROM BPIP.' The video is considered to have caused a commotion.

"As a result of the title, which is provocative and does not contain any truth, there has been a negative response to Father Benny, BPIP, the Catholic Church, towards KWI and even entering into SARA nuances," said Petrus.

"It is suspected that a crime has occurred because of hate speech and false news that have caused a commotion in the community," he continued.

In the report registered with the number LP/B/6013/XII/2021/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated December 1, 2021, a number of evidences have also been attached. One of them, a videotape allegedly containing hate speech.

"YouTube media interviews with Pak Hendardi. And attach a YouTube video of Hersubeno Arief's interview with Rocky Gerung. YouTube comments by Refly Harun and online media statements by Natalius Pigai," said Petrus.

In this report, the reported party who is still under investigation is suspected of violating Article 28 paragraph 2 Juncto Article 45 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law and Article 14 of Law Number 1 of 1946 regarding the crime of spreading false news.

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