SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has set the District/City Minimum Wage (UMK) for 2022.

This determination is stated in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 188/803/KPTS/013/2021 concerning Regency/City Minimum Wages in East Java 2022, dated November 30, 2021.

Based on the data, the UMK Surabaya 2022 is still the highest compared to 37 other regencies/cities. This year, the minimum wage for Surabaya is IDR 4,300,479.19. Meanwhile, next year it will be IDR 4,375,479.19. This data was confirmed by Assistant I for Government and People's Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of East Java, Benny Sampirwanto.

"That's right (according to the latest Governor's Decree)," said Benny, confirmed, Wednesday, December 1.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the East Java Indonesian Metal Workers Union Federation (FSPMI), Nuruddin Hidayat, who is a member of the East Java Workers Union Movement (Gasper) alliance, has also learned that the 2022 UMK specifically for Ring 1 East Java has increased by 1.75 percent. This increase was welcomed positively.

"Loss in terms of other provinces, East Java can be said to be better, because the increase is above PP 36/2021. Other provinces continue to use PP 36/2021, which means there is no increase. Even if it increases, the value is very small," he said.

The following is a list of UMK 38 districts / cities in East Java in 2022:

1. Surabaya City: IDR 4,375,479.19

2. Gresik Regency: IDR 4,372,030.51

3. Sidoarjo Regency: IDR 4,368,581,85

4. Pasuruan Regency: IDR 4,365,133,19

5. Mojokerto Regency: IDR 4,354,787.17

6. Malang Regency: IDR 3,068,275,36

7. Malang City: IDR 2,994,143.98

8. Pasuruan City: IDR 2,838,837.64

9. Stone Town: IDR 2,830,367.09

10. Jombang Regency: IDR 2,654,095,88

11. Probolinggo Regency: IDR 2,553,265.95

12. Tuban Regency: IDR 2,539,224,88

13. Mojokerto City: IDR 2,510,452.36

14. Lamongan Regency: IDR 2,501,977,27

15. Probolinggo City: Rp2,376,240.63

16. Jember Regency: Rp2,355,662.91

17. Banyuwangi Regency: Rp2,328,899.12

18. Kediri City: Rp.

19. Bojonegoro Regency: IDR 2,079,568.07

20. Kediri Regency: IDR 2,043,422.93

21. Blitar City: IDR 2,039,024.44

22. Tulungagung Regency: IDR 2,029,358.67

23. Blitar Regency: Rp2,015,071.18

24. Lumajang Regency: IDR 2,000,607,20

25. Madiun City: Rp1,991,105,79

26. Sumenep Regency: Rp1,978,927.22

27. Nganjuk Regency: IDR 1,970,006.41

28. Ngawi Regency: IDR 1,962,585.99

29. Pacitan Regency: IDR 1,961,154.77

30. Bondowoso Regency: IDR 1,958,640,12

31. Madiun Regency: Rp1,958,410,31

32. Magetan Regency: IDR 1,957,329.43

33. Bangkalan Regency: IDR 1,956,773.48

34. Ponorogo Regency: IDR 1,954,281.32

35. Trenggalek Regency: IDR 1,944,932.74

36. Situbondo Regency: IDR 1,942,750,77

37.Pamekasan Regency: Rp1,939,686.39

38. Sampang Regency: IDR 1,922,122.97

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