TANGERANG - The roof tiles and ceilings in two classrooms at SDN Karangharja 2 Karangharja, Cisoka District, Tangerang Regency, were damaged by strong winds. Because they had no choice, the school's students continued to hold teaching and learning activities in the room.

Karangharja Elementary School teacher, Ahmad Lomri, said that the damage to the roof of the classroom building had occurred several months ago. The pouring rain also worsened the condition of the classroom.

"Currently, the condition of schools in two rooms, namely grades 4a and 4b, is very concerning and very dangerous for the safety of our students," said Ahmad when met in Tangerang, Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Lomri said that he did not remember exactly when the class tiles and ceilings were damaged. Currently his party is forced to still occupy the damaged room, due to the process of teaching and learning activities (KBM) and exams for grade 4 students.

"Because besides there is no room anymore, students are currently taking exams. Sometimes when it rains heavily we also have to stop learning activities and remove children from class to maintain their safety and security," he said.

He said his party had reported the condition and situation of the SDN Karangharja school to the Tangerang Regency Education Office to ask for repairs. "But so far there has been no follow-up."


"We have also reported to the local sub-district but there has been no response to the report. But yesterday there was a member of the council who asked about the condition of the school," he said.

He conveyed that with the school's condition being quite worrying, complaints from parents or guardians of students continued to be conveyed, because they would be worried for the safety of their children.

"But I hope that the government and related agencies will immediately help us in the process of repairing this school," he hoped.

As for the number of students at SDN Karangharja 2, as many as 400 students. And for the affected classes 4a and 4b as many as 62 students.

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