JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo has signed the Decree of the Governor of Central Java No. 561/39 concerning Minimum Wages in 35 (thirty five) Regencies/Cities in Central Java Province in 2022. The determination of the UMK in 2022 is based on Government Regulation No. 36 of 2021 concerning Wages where the calculation formula and data are standard.

The UMK bases the calculation of the formula from PP 36/2021 article 26 and figures from the BPS according to the letter of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia to the Governors of Indonesia No. BM/383/HI.01.00/XI/2021 dated November 9, 2021 concerning Submission of Economic and Employment Data in Determining Minimum Wages in 2022.

The governor emphasized that the minimum wage is the lowest wage limit for workers with less than one year of service. As for workers over 1 year or more, through the calculation of the Wage Structure and Scale (SUSU) by taking into account a minimum inflation of 1.28% and an economic growth rate of 0.97%.

As a simulation of the application of SUSU in Semarang City for workers with a working period of > 1 year, the minimum additional wage is Rp. 63,787.98 and in Banjarnegara Regency it is Rp. 40,946.29.

"The stipulation regarding the company's obligation to make the structure of the wage scale is included in the decree so that it becomes everyone's attention," he said.

Ganjar emphasized that for companies not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase would certainly be above this figure. "Several large companies have expressed willingness to provide wage increases of more than 10% or even 15%," he said.

To provide certainty of the amount of wages for workers with a working period of more than 1 year, the Central Java Provincial Government today also issued a Circular No. 561/0016770 concerning Wage Structure and Scale in Companies in 2022, addressed to regents/mayors and company leaders throughout Central Java. This circular letter is intended to provide legal certainty for workers/ laborers with a working period of 1 (one) year or more.

In the SE there are instructions for the regent/mayor to ensure that the company prepares SUSU by assigning the manpower office to provide assistance and monitoring.

Meanwhile, entrepreneurs are required to submit the results of the preparation of SUSU to the Office of Manpower and Transmigration of Central Java Province through the office in charge of Regency/City manpower no later than December 31, 2021 in the form of a statement letter.

"Workers who have just entered work will of course receive wages that are different from workers who have worked for years, this is to provide a sense of justice for workers as well as appreciation for the dedication of workers to their companies," said Ganjar.

List of UMKs for 35 Cities in Central Java in 2022: Cilacap Regency IDR 2,230,731.50 Banyumas Regency IDR 1,983,261.84 Purbalingga Regency IDR 1,996,814.94 Banjarnegara Regency IDR 1,819,835,17 Kebumen Regency IDR 1,906,781,84 Purworejo Regency IDR 1,911.850,80 Wonosobo Regency Rp1,931,285,33Magelang Regency Rp2,081,807,18Boyolali Regency Rp2,010,299.30Klaten Regency Rp2,015,623,36 Sukoharjo Regency Rp1,998,153,18 Wonogiri Regency Rp1,839,043,99 Karanganyar Regency Rp2,06394,313,429,56Robogan Regency 894,032,10 Blora Regency Rp1,904,196.69 Rembang Regency Rp1,874,322.05 Pati Regency Rp1,968,339.04 Kudus Regency Rp2,293,058,26 Jepara Regency Rp2,108,403.11 Demak Regency Rp2,513,005,89Regency of Temanggung, Semarang Rp2,311,2524,15 Rp. 11Kendal Regency Rp2,340,312.28 Batang Regency Rp2,132,535.02 Pekalongan Regency Rp2,094,646,19 Pemalang Regency Rp1,940,890.41Tegal Regency Rp1,968,446.34 Brebes Regency Rp1,885,019 ,39Magelang City Rp1,935,913,27 Surakarta City Rp2,035,720,17 Salatiga City Rp2,128,523,19 Semarang City Rp2,835,021,29 Pekalongan City Rp2,156,213.77 Tegal City Rp2,005,930.5

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