JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the alleged corruption in the procurement of goods and services involving former President Director of PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP) Ario Pramadhi was his business. However, this case was later transferred to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"The KPK has previously investigated allegations of corruption in the procurement of goods and services for the construction of gigabit capable passive optical network (GPON) infrastructure at PT JIP in 2017-2018," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

Even in the process, the Corruption Eradication Commission has found criminal elements and parties suspected of being responsible. It's just that, Ali said, after the case was carried out, it turned out that there were no parties who met the elements as state administrators.

"After going through the case title at the KPK internally, it was concluded that no party has been found that fulfills the elements as state administrators. This is in line with the duties and authorities of the KPK which are limited by the provisions of Article 11 of the KPK Law, one of which is related to the existence of elements of state administrators," he said.

For this reason, the KPK then delegated the alleged corruption to the National Police Headquarters. This delegation is carried out through the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision.

"In order for the handling of the case to continue, the KPK through the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision has delegated the case to the National Police Headquarters," said Ali.

Furthermore, Ali said, the delegation was a tangible manifestation of cooperation and synergy in handling criminal acts between law enforcement officers.

"KPK hopes that this synergy will not only be strong in handling cases, because eradicating corruption requires massive, integrated efforts through a strategic approach to prevention, education, and prosecution," he said.

Previously reported, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit named the former President Director (Director) of PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP), Ario Pramadhi as a suspect in a corruption case.

In that case, he is suspected of being involved in corruption in the procurement of goods and services for the construction of Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) infrastructure by PT JIP for the 2017-2018 period. In addition, investigators also named one other suspect, namely Christman Desanto as PT JIP's VP of Finance and IT.

The investigation into this alleged corruption case began with a police report (LP) numbered LP/A/0072/II/2021/Bareskrim as of 5 February 2021 and began to be investigated on 8 February. In this allegation, investigators have confiscated evidence, namely cellphones to land and building certificates.

For information, Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP) is a subsidiary of the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo. This company is engaged in telecommunications infrastructure and roads and has experience in the business/field of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

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