MEDAN - A woman screaming and crying hysterically went viral on social media. He cried because he was sent 2 coffins by an unknown person containing the names Waldiman Sijabat and Jesi Situngkir.

Viewed Tuesday, November 30, in the video it is written that the incident occurred in Paropo District, Dairi District, North Sumatra, Monday, November 29.

The white coffin was transported by pickup. This post shocked the woman.

Based on the information obtained, the incident was allegedly triggered by the Pilkades problem that occurred on November 25. The two names in the coffin were the winning team for the village head candidate.

It is strongly suspected that the coffin shipper was a supporter of the defeated village head candidate.

Meanwhile, the Head of Subdivision of Public Relations of the Dairi Police, Iptu Donni Saleh, confirmed the delivery of the crate. After the incident, the resident whose name was on the tombstone reported it to the Dairi Police.

"It is true. It happened last night at 16.30 WIB," said Iptu Donni when confirmed by reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

Iptu Donni confirmed that the delivery of the coffin was related to the Pilkades. But he still hasn't elaborated on the crux of the matter. Currently, said Iptu Doni, his party is still investigating.

"Regarding the Pilkades, he (the reporter) is a successful team. It's still under investigation," he said.

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