JAKARTA - The police revealed the moments of the shooting at the exit of the Bintaro toll road. The figure of the perpetrator is a member of the Polda Metro Jaya with the initials Ipda OS.

The shooting began when a person with the initials O who was driving in Ayla's car felt that he was being followed by an unknown person, on Friday, November 26.

"The reporter was followed from one hotel in Sentul. Then several cars were followed," said Director of General Crime Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, to reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

Then, O also reported the alleged tailings. However, it did not specify how to report it.

With the report, O was directed to the Bintaro toll exit, to be precise to the main Highway Patrol (PJR) 4 office.

"Because of the threat, the person (O) reported it to the police because the members of the National Police serving there were directed to go there to be safe," said Tubagus.

Not long after, O arrived at the PJR Main 4 office. Then, there was a riot. In fact, Ipda OS had given a warning shot.

However, unknown people who were later identified as Poltak Pasaribu and M. Aruan were about to hit O. In the end, Ipda OS shot both of them.

"The witness said that he wanted to be hit and hit by two shots which hit the victim," said Tubagus.

After the shooting, the two victims were immediately taken to the hospital. However, Poltak Pasaribu, who had received treatment, could not be helped until he died.

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