KENDARI - The Kendari City Government, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), provided Government Assistance for the Community (BPM) Cash For Work (CFW) in 2021 for 16 urban villages in the city with a total budget of Rp. 4.8 billion.

The handover was marked by the handover of CFW from Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir to 16 village representatives. The handover took place at the Watulondo Village Head Office, Puuwatu District, Monday.

"To obtain the program, each kelurahan must meet the specified requirements. Such as supporting documents or files that are required for the course of the activity," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 29.

The Mayor of Kendari also appreciated all parties involved in distributing BPM CFW to several villages in Kendari City and hoped that this activity could provide enthusiasm and long-term benefits to the Kotaku program in Kendari City.

"We maintain our commitment so that later this program can continue to be distributed to villages that have not received it. I also thank the people who always support the Kendari City Government program. Of course the success of these programs cannot be separated from the intervention and support of all parties, including the people of Kendari City," he said.

He said that in the CFW BPM, each of the 16 sub-districts received funds worth Rp. 300 million.

"In addition to the CFW program, there are also regional-scale programs such as Bungkutoko-Petoaha and are now continuing in Lapulu and Pudai," he said.

On that occasion, he also reminded the people of Kendari, especially the kelurahan government apparatus to always apply the discipline of health protocols (prokes) in carrying out daily activities.

"We must not be careless, we must remain vigilant about the spread of this corona virus. For this reason, let us always apply prokes by wearing masks, keeping a distance and diligently washing hands," he said.

The 16 sub-districts in Kendari City that received BPM CFW or Padat Karya were Andonouhu, Rahandouna, Poasia, Benua Nirae, Tobimeita, Alolama, Baruga, Lepolepo, Watubangga, Wundudopi, Anaiwoi, Wawowangu, Pondambea, Mokoau, Watulondo and Wuawua villages.

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