Through Google Form Rizal Ramli Guerrilla Gains Support For Presidential Candidates, Chusnul Chotimah Gives A Shocking Innuendo
Senior economist, Rizal Ramli. (Photo: Instagram @rizalramli.official)

JAKARTA - Senior economist Rizal Ramli has begun to garner support through Google Forms to run as a presidential candidate. This can be seen from Rizal Ramli's upload on his Twitter account, @RamliRizal.

"If you want Indonesia to change from a criminal democracy to a clean and trustworthy democracy, you want an Indonesia that is more just and prosperous, strong and victorious in Asia. Please give support to Dr. @RamliRizal by filling out this form," wrote Rizal Ramli. November 29.

Not a few netizens have responded to this google form and have expressed support for the person concerned.

"My ID is for @RamliRizal and I will work hard to fight with him to seize the DEMOCRACY hijacked by the Oligarchy. Together we can achieve justice and prosperity for all the people of this country," wrote netizen Nicho Silalahi with the account @Nicho_Silalahi.

In addition to those who support Rizal, there are also netizens who criticize the narrative of criminal democracy that he carries. One of them came from social media activist, Chusnul Chotimah via the @ChusnulCh_ account.

Chusnul said that Rizal is a person who likes to be sarcastic but doesn't want to be criticized back.

"The hoax spreader talks about criminal democracy. The cynic but doesn't want to be criticized back, talking about a clean and trustworthy democracy," Chusnul wrote through his account published today.

"Blockers talk about fairness. Dismissals talk about success. You're a zal bastard," he quipped.

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