JAKARTA - The decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) declaring the Job Creation Act conditionally unconstitutional or formally flawed has drawn criticism from the House of Representatives (DPR).

The chairman of the PPP faction of the DPR RI who is also the Deputy Chair of the MPR, Arsul Sani, said that the Constitutional Court (MK) should have rejected the DPR members from the beginning as witnesses to the facts on the procedure for formulating the Job Creation Law. in the end it was not accepted because it was considered only a statement from the DPR.

"If the Constitutional Court doesn't accept being a fact witness, it says from the start, don't listen to it and then abuse it, that's the term," said Arsul at the DPR Building, Monday, November 29.

It is known, the basis of the Constitutional Court's decision to stipulate the Job Creation Law as a formal defect because it is considered not to meet the procedures for public aspirations. On the one hand, Arsul considered that the Constitutional Court only has the authority to examine the law materially, not formally. So, what must be changed in the Job Creation Act is not the material. However, he said, the procedure for formulating the law was "the Job Creation Act must be corrected, the procedure is not the material, yes, the law is formed so that it meets formal requirements," said Arsul. aspirations of the various elements. Firman, is a member who is a witness to the facts in the procedure for the formation of the Job Creation Act.

"I have testified as a fact witness regarding community participation. We invite all of them here, from the pros and cons of the trade unions," said Firman.

According to Firman, the DPR has invited many parties to ask for their opinions in the formation of the Job Creation Law. However, he regretted that this was not taken into account by the Court. Firman also plans to establish standards for public participation in the formulation of laws so that the DPR has clear standards.

"I'll have a night of istikhara to formulate the standard participation plan," he said.

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