JEMBER - The Puger Sector Police arrested 4 male perpetrators of abuse in Jember, East Java. The four perpetrators with the initials AVA, HAW, MAJ and MNR assaulted a man because of a body touching argument.

Puger Police Chief AKP Ribut Budiono said the abuse took place at the fish auction site, Saturday, November 27.

"This torture was triggered by the nudge of one of the suspects with the victim. The victim, who did not accept it, then called a friend and an argument ensued," said AKP Budiono, Monday, November 29.

Seeing one of the friends involved in an argument, 3 other actors also helped. As a result, the victim was battered after being beaten with a blunt object.

Luckily, residents who saw it immediately intervened and arrested one of the perpetrators.

"The victim then reported this incident to the Mapolsek. One suspect who was secured by our residents was picked up for us to conduct an examination and investigation, finally we arrested 3 other perpetrators, so that in total there are 4 perpetrators," continued the Police Chief.

In addition to the perpetrators, the police also secured evidence including 5 pieces of post-mortem evidence and a stone used by the perpetrator to beat the victim.

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