Komnas HAM Calls KPI Failed To Create A Healthy And Comfortable Work Environment
Coordinator of the Sub-Commission for the Advancement of Human Rights/Commissioner for Education and Counseling of Komnas HAM Beka Ulung Hapsara (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is considered to have failed to create a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment.

This was conveyed by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) when announcing the results of an investigation into allegations of bullying and sexual harassment experienced by an KPI employee with the initials MS.

This failure is evident because the bullying and harassment experienced by MS is a common thing among KPI employees. It's just that, so far these actions are considered as ordinary jokes without any follow-up.

"It is strongly suspected that there were incidents of bullying against MS and forms of jokes or humor that were offensive and mocked the conditions and situations of individual personal lives, habits in relations between employees in an environment that contained harsh and sexist words such as bastards and others in the KPI environment, " said Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara in an online press conference, Monday, November 29.

"There are jokes or humor that are physically offensive, such as forcing undress, pushing a bench, and hitting this is the first conclusion," he added.

In addition, Komnas HAM suspects that the bullying incident was also experienced by other employees. "But this is considered as part of humor, jokes, jokes that show the closeness of friendship," said Beka.

For this reason, KPI is then deemed to have failed to create a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment.

Not only that, KPI is also considered to have failed to provide support for victims' recovery efforts. This is called Beka, which can be seen from the absence of internal regulations and proper tools in an effort to prevent and deal with acts of sexual harassment and bullying in the work environment.

"And there are no guidelines yet in responding to and handling cases of sexual harassment and bullying in the work environment," he said.

In addition, Komnas HAM also assessed that there were a number of rights that were violated in cases of bullying and sexual harassment against MS. The first is a violation of the right to security.

"Second, the violation of rights is free from threats of violence, and improper treatment. So when we talk about human rights, this is talking about human dignity. a form of action that degrades human dignity," he explained.

It is natural for MS to experience trauma, stress, even causing physical health and relationships to be disrupted. Moreover, the bullying has been going on for a long time.

"As a result of this incident, MS experienced trauma, stress, felt low self-esteem, and this had an impact on the victim's physical health and the victim's household relationship. In addition, MS also experienced various bullying from his colleagues both physically and verbally," he concluded.

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