JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has stated that it will continue to increase cooperation in various fields with Palestine to support the nation's struggle for independence. The Middle East Director of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bagus Hendraning Kobarsyih, said that one of the ongoing collaborations is the imposition of duty-free tariffs for a number of products. Palestinian superior products such as olive oil, fruits, and dates since January 2018. “Currently, Indonesia is also pioneering cooperation for a preferential trade agreement (PTA) with the Palestinian government to assist the Palestinian people in conducting trade and increasing economic cooperation between the Palestinians. the two countries," said Bagus in the talk show "Palestinian Solidarity Week: Millennial Peacemaker Forum" which was monitored virtually from Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, November 28. In this case, the Palestinian government has proposed exemption from import duties for 61 products, including nuts, bolts, soap , ceramics, and spices. The PTA discussion is aimed at improving the trade performance of the two countries, which is recorded at US$5 million per year (around Rp.72 billion), or only 0.1 percent compared to the value of international trade in Palestine. "The Indonesian government also greatly appreciates the contributions of various elements of the Indonesian society in providing and distributing various aids to the Palestinian people," said Bagus. United Nations as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to remind the world that the Palestinian issue is still unresolved due to the continued Israeli occupation.

Indonesia has expressed deep concern that in the midst of the difficult situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Palestinian people continue to experience human rights violations from the illegal arrests, evictions and confiscation of property by Israel. arrests and obstruction of Palestinians who want to worship in the mosque, as well as provocations by many Israeli Jews by continuing to worship in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, even though this activity violates the 1967 status quo rules which prohibit non-Muslims from worshiping inside the mosque. Al Aqsa," said Bagus, explaining. Given that the settlement of the Palestinian issue still leaves a lot of homework, Indonesia calls for serious support from the international community so that Israel stops these illegal acts. "Indonesia reaffirms its position in fully supporting the struggle for independence and independence. Palestine according to the mandate in our constitution, until a two-state solution is reached according to mutually agreed international parameters," said Bagus.

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