JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) had an accident while serving as a navigator for racer Sean Gelael competing in the 2021 National Sprint Rally. This car racing event was held in Meikarta, Bekasi, West.
In a video, Bamsoet can be seen reporting that he and Sean Gelael were not injured even though the rally car used, the Citroen C3 R5, was crushed in the back.
"Our car. Thank God, Sean and I are safe," said Bamsoet, who appeared to be wearing a full professional racing suit as quoted from the video circulating on Saturday, November 27.

A similar statement was also made by Bamsoet staff, Dwi Nugroho. He said the chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) was in good health and so was Sean.
"Mas Bamsoet and Sean Gelael are okay. In fact, after they rolled over, they immediately joined the drifting with Akbar Rais," he said when confirmed.
While judging by Sean Gelael's Instagram, @gelaelized, the car he was using seemed to be speeding in the rally racing area. However, this car overturned after passing through the mound and stopped on the right side.
After uploading the video, Sean then uploaded his photo with Bamsoet who is also the Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI).
"All smiles, all good," wrote Sean.
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