JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson of the MUI, Anwar Abbas chose to give full support to the Jakarta MUI's plan to form a cyber force. Anwar Abbas's requirement is that the guerrilla troops in the realm of social media must be used for the good of the community.

Anwar Abbas explained that cyber in Islamic law is halal. The problem is, what is the purpose of the activities there.

"If the cyber is created and used to uphold goodness and benefit for the people and for the nation, then this is certainly something good and commendable," Anwar said in his official statement published on the MUI official website as seen by the editor, Saturday, November 27.

"But if it is used for something bad and can create a mafsadat, then of course it is something that is forbidden and despicable," he continued.

Specifically for the DKI MUI plan, Anwar Abbas believes that there is nothing wrong with the formation of cyber troops.

However, in this written statement, Anwar Abbas did not comment on the initial statement by the Jakarta MUI General Chair KH Munahar Muchtar who explicitly asked Infokom and the DKI MUI extended family to be able to defend and assist DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Rasyid Baswedan who has worked hard for the people of the capital. .

At that time, Munahar said that if the buzzer was looking for Anies' fault, Infokom was asked to immediately play the narrative of Anies' success, both nationally and internationally. This was one of the initial goals of the DKI Jakarta MUI to create a cyber troop.

Back to Anwar.

He said, if the DKI MUI in creating a cyber army for the good and good for the community, then there is no need to question it. In fact, all citizens should be obliged to provide support.

"And I believe and believe that the Jakarta MUI created the cyber for this, so we hope that the DKI Jakarta MUI through its cyberspace will be able to do good and best for the people of the nation and the country by carrying out one sacred and noble task in religion, namely enforcing the da'wah amar. Maruf nahi mungkar means calling and reminding people and citizens of the nation of goodness and preventing them from doing evil," said Anwar.

"If the DKI Jakarta MUI can carry out this task well, we must welcome this cyber presence, but we are also very good and very worthy to support it," he concluded.

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