JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) gave four names to investigators from Bareskrim Polri. The four names were considered to be important witnesses in investigating the Djoko Tjandra road letter case that ensnared Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Anita Kolipaking.

"We present witnesses related to the suspects Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Anita Kolopaking, who are currently investigating at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the dispute over Djoko Tjandra," MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman told reporters, Monday, August 10.

Of the four names given, three of them are private parties and one is law enforcement officers. They are Tommy Sumardi, Viady, Rahmat, and Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

Based on the information received by MAKI, Tommy Sumardi allegedly asked Brigadier General Prasetyo to be introduced to several officials in the National Police's International Relations Division which oversees NCB Interpol Indonesia.

Meanwhile Viady is a partner of Djoko Tjandra. Investigators are advised to examine it because Viady is suspected of having been involved in the processing of travel and COVID-19 free letters.

"The alleged connection with Prasetyo, Viady flew on a PK-TWX charter plane on June 22, 2020 to Jakarta or Pontianak, allegedly met with Djoko Tjandra, which on June 6 2020 Prasetyo flew on the same plane to meet Djoko in Pontianak including giving a letter. road and medical certificate for covid-19 tests on June 19, 2020, "said Bonyamin.

Meanwhile, Rahmat is suspected of having a relationship with Djoko Tjandra. In addition, he was a figure who invited Anita Kolopaking to become the attorney for the convicted Kasua cessie Bank Bali.

In fact, Rahmat is also suspected of having flown to Kuala Lumur twice to meet Djoko Tjandra. At the first meeting, Rahmat left with Prosecutor Pinangki on November 12, 2019.

And finally, Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari. He is known to have met Djoko Tjandra in Malayasi along with Rahmat and Anita Kolopaking.

"The first is on 12 November 2019 with Rahmat. The second flight is on 25 November 2019 with Anita Kolopaking," said Bonyamin.

Previously, in the case of the issuance of road papers, the National Police had named Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Anita Kolopaking as suspects.

Brigen Prasetyo was named a suspect based on the results of the examination of a number of witnesses and evidence. Thus, Prasetyo is subject to Article 263 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 426 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 221 paragraph 1-2 of the Criminal Code. Article 263 of the Criminal Code regulates the making of fake letters.

Meanwhile, Anita Kolopaking was named a suspect based on the results of her case title based on a number of evidence and witnesses being examined. Anita Kolopaking is suspected of having committed crimes under Article 263 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and 223 of the Criminal Code.

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