MALANG - Malang City Government, East Java will impose sanctions for state civil servants (ASN) who take leave and travel during the Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays. Malang Mayor Sutiaji said ASN within the Malang City Government are not allowed to take leave aimed at to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 during the year-end holiday season. "Later, the head of service will be responsible to the head of the field, down to the bottom. His job will be to give punishment when someone violates it. That's the head of each department," said Sutiaji, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25. Sutiaji explained that the central government has issued a policy that ASN is not allowed to apply for leave at the end of the year. The government will also implement a level 3 community activity restriction (PPKM) period. According to him, ASN within the Malang City Government are expected not to travel during the year-end holidays. The regulation will be implemented from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022. "It has been determined that ASN is not allowed to take leave, nor are the TNI/Polri. The private sector is also advised not to take leave during the Christmas and New Year holidays," he said.

Sutiaji explained that the implementation of PPKM level 3 throughout Indonesia at the end of the year aims to control community mobility so that it does not have the potential to cause crowds and cause a risk of spreading the Corona virus. stated, if it is found that ASN is on leave and traveling out of town, supervision will be carried out on each regional apparatus organization (OPD). If there is a violation, the sanction will refer to Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants. According to Sutiaji, there is no use of official cars for personal purposes during the implementation of PPKM level 3. The use of official cars is only allowed for official purposes. Based on the Minister's Instructions Domestic Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 62 of 2021, the central government has prohibited taking leave at the end of the year for state civil servants (ASN), TNI-Polri, BUMN employees, and the private sector. minimize the risk of spreading the corona virus by suppressing community mobility during the Christmas and New Year holidays. However, in relation to the opening of tourist destinations, shopping centers, and the implementation of worship in the regions, the central government submits policies to each local government by implementing health protocols in a comprehensive manner. strict.

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