JAKARTA - MPR chairman Bambang Soesatyo or Bamsoet rejected the push to dissolve the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). He asked all parties to refrain from commenting further on the issue.

"I personally refuse and ask all parties to exercise restraint," Bamsoet told reporters at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, November 25.

Bamsoet said MUI is an institution that has existed for a long time and is needed by the community. Therefore, all parties are asked not to complicate the problem.

In addition, Bamsoet said that if there are MUI members who are found to be entangled in criminal acts such as terrorism, they should be processed according to applicable regulations.

"That there is someone who should be suspected of being involved, what has happened please be processed according to the existing laws and regulations. However, do not damage the MUI institution," said the former chairman of the DPR.

As previously reported, the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 arrested three people related to the terrorist activities of the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) group in the Bekasi area on Tuesday, November 16. Those arrested were Ahmad Zain An-Najah, Farid Ahmad Okbah, and Anung Al Hamat.

The results of the investigation of Densus 88 Ahmad Zain An-Najah is the Chairman of the Sharia Board of the Baitul Mal Amil Zakat Institution Abdurrahman bin Auf (LAM BM ABA), while Fadir Ahmad Okbah is a Member of the Sharia Board of LAM BM ABA. Meanwhile, Anung Al Hamat is the founder of Shield Nusantara Esa.

LAM BM ABA is a funding institution managed by the JI group. Meanwhile, Perisai Nusantara Esa is a wing organization of the JI group.

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