SEMARANG - Central Java Governor, Ganjar Pranowo asked the Regents/Mayors of Central Java to give awards to teachers, especially those who are still honorary. The fact is that there are still many teachers in Central Java who are under the auspices of the Regent/Mayor who have not yet received a living wage.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after leading the National Teacher's Day commemoration ceremony at the Semarang State Special School, Thursday, November 25. In his speech, Ganjar even compared the fate of teachers with the fate of workers who were treated differently.

"Frankly, I am upset (sad). Every year we argue and fight for the salaries of fellow workers, but we forget the thousands of teachers in the country whose salaries are apprehensive," said Ganjar.

For teachers who are under the auspices of the Central Java Provincial Government, all of them have received salaries equivalent to the District Minimum Wage (UMK). However, many of the honorary teachers of SD-SMP who are under the auspices of the district/city have not received their rights properly.

"I encourage regents and mayors and district/city Regional Representative Council (DPRD) to pay more attention to the fate of honorary teachers. I hope that next year all will be able to get a salary equal to the minimum wage," he said.

According to Ganjar, there is nothing difficult to raise the salaries of honorary teachers in areas equivalent to the UMK. Everything can be done, as long as there is a strong will.

"Please, they are paid the equivalent of the minimum wage. Don't say they don't exist. If they don't exist, our salaries (regents/mayors) will be reduced, don't let them be suspended honorary teachers," he said.

Because the UMK, continued Ganjar, is very small for awards for teachers. Moreover, the UMK is only the minimum wage.

"That's the minimum wage, you know, sorry for them. Even though they have worked 5, 10, some even a dozen years. So please, I encourage everyone to fight for it," he said.

Moreover, Ganjar also advised all teachers in the country, especially in Central Java, to remain role models. As teachers, they must be able to be imitated and imitated by all their students.

"Happy National Teacher's Day. Thank you for preparing our children to become the golden generation. Continue to provide character education, teach love between them, don't teach them to hate each other," he concluded.

The National Teacher's Day commemoration ceremony itself was held differently in Central Java. Usually, the ceremony participants wear Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) uniforms, but this time the participants wore traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia.

There are traditional clothes from Lampung, Padang, Kalimantan, Bali, and others. Ganjar himself appeared wearing traditional Makassar clothes.

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