JAKARTA - In recent days, information has circulated among journalists that an artist has been arrested for drugs. It is not yet known in detail about this information, but today, the name was disclosed by the police.
Ibra Azhari was the person in question. He is now a detainee at the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Research Directorate. Ayu Azhari's younger brother was arrested on Sunday, December 22, early in the morning, at his residence, on Jalan Batu Merah, Pejaten, South Jakarta.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the arrest of Ibra was the development of another drug case. Because previously, the police arrested a woman with the initials MH who was a drug courier.
From that arrest, the police checked MH's cellphone. Then, information was obtained about narcotics transactions and one of them was given to Ibra Azhari.
"When developed, MH will deliver drugs to IB (Ibra Azhari). Investigators come to his residence and arrest the person concerned," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, December 23.
From tracing conversations on MH's cellphone, several other people were arrested. They are, IS, UW, JK, and H. All the suspects were arrested in several different locations.

Meanwhile, for the origin and owner of the prohibited items, investigators are still developing to find the brains of the circulation of the methamphetamine drug.
Deputy Director of the Directorate of Narcotics Research at Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Sapta Marpaung added that the number of orders for crystal methamphetamine made by Ibra Azhari is around 2.2 grams. From the results of the examination, Ibra admitted that these items were only for his personal consumption.
"Order 2.2 grams, but for now confess to be personal. We are still developing it," said Sapta.
With the disclosure of the case, the suspects, including Ibra Azhari, were charged with Articles 112 and 114 of the Criminal Code Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. They face a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison.
As information, Ibra Azhari has been caught in narcotics cases several times. He has been recorded dealing with the police three times.
On 31 August 2000, Ibra was arrested at his residence. Evidence in the arrest, white crystals of vitamin group II metal weighing 3,6456 grams, white powder containing Diazepam group IV weighing 3.1532 grams, and Elsigon tablet containing Estazolam group IV as much as half a grain. In this case, Ibra was sentenced to two years in prison by the Jakarta High Court.
Subsequently, Ibra was arrested on February 20, 2003 at Wisma Bumi Rajawali, Pancoran, South Jakarta. The evidence confiscated was in the form of narcotics group I types of cocaine weighing 8.5 grams, 16.7 grams of crystal methamphetamine, and 230 pieces of ecstasy. Ibra was sentenced to 15 years in prison in October 2003. As if he did not give up, Ibra actually came into contact with narcotics from behind bars. Until finally he was transferred to the Nusakambangan Prison.
In 2013, Ibra was again caught in a drug case. He was arrested by police in Bali with evidence of crystal methamphetamine valued at Rp 9 million. Ibra admitted that the crystal was his. Ibra was then sentenced to 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 800 million, a subsidiary of two months.
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