JAKARTA - The Aceh Education Office has provided free Umrah packages to the holy land of Mecca for outstanding teachers and education personnel in the westernmost province of Indonesia.

"Teachers and educators have a very important role that needs to be appreciated," said Head of the Aceh Education Office Alhudri in Banda Aceh, Wednesday, November 24, quoted from Antara.

The Aceh Education Office has selected outstanding teachers and education personnel through competitions. Umrah prizes and cash of Rp. 10 million were only given to teachers and educators who won first place. While the second place winner will get Rp. 7 million in cash and the third place winner is Rp. 6 million.

Some of the branches contested include outstanding teachers, outstanding school principals, outstanding supervisors, outstanding administrative staff, outstanding library staff and outstanding laboratory personnel for elementary, junior high, high school, vocational, and SLB/PKLK levels throughout Aceh in 2021.

Alhudri assessed that the selection of outstanding teachers and education personnel is expected to spur the enthusiasm of teachers and education personnel in creating quality Aceh's next generation.

"This event is an annual routine activity of the Aceh Education Office. The goal is to motivate teachers, school principals, supervisors and educators to always improve their potential so that they can produce quality Acehnese generations," he said.

He likens education to a train, so the teacher is the locomotive, namely the teacher as the main driver of the pace of education. Therefore, Alhudri emphasized that the capacity and quality of teachers are targets that need to be considered in the future.

He hopes that these outstanding teachers and education personnel in the future can give birth to a new innovation in terms of strengthening higher quality learning methods.

"So that it can be practiced in supporting a better quality of education in the future," said Alhudri.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission VI of the Aceh House of Representatives (DPRA) Irawan Abdullah appreciated the Education Office for paying attention to outstanding teachers, because the quality of teachers should be a serious concern for the Aceh Education Office.

"Because the good quality of education is strongly influenced by the quality of teachers and supporting infrastructure," he said.

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