JAKARTA - Social Rehabilitation Assistant at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Sri Rumpoko, said that currently there is a phenomenon where most families cannot distinguish between affection for children and acts of sexual abuse.

"There are still cases of sexual harassment where the perpetrators are close people, both family, parents themselves, community leaders and religious leaders. This has happened in many places," said Sri Rumpoko, at the Tanjung Priok Harbor Police Headquarters, North Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

Sri Rumpoko said this phenomenon could occur because adults ignore the various possible acts of sexual harassment to their children by those closest to them.

"Perpetrators of sexual harassment feel that it is an opportunity for them to be able to carry out their actions further," he said.

Rumpoko explained that parents must pay attention to how affection leads to the purpose of sexual harassment, so that it can be distinguished from adult affection to protect children.

"Nowadays there are many people and parents who ignore their children. They think that adults can protect their children. Yes, adults can protect children, but we have to be able to see how people feel about children who are victims of sexual violence," said Rumpoko.

Regarding the rehabilitation of children who are victims of sexual violence, he said, usually the assistant will look at the psychological side of the child who is the victim. Can he still exist in the community or not?

"Even if he feels threatened by the presence of the perpetrator, or the community or family who do not support the child as a victim, there is a final alternative, namely that they are temporarily placed in a child protection institution," said Rumpoko.

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