Minister Of Social Affairs: Refinement Of Recipients' Data Is Routinely Done
Social Minister Tri Rismaharini/DOK IST

INDRAMAYU - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini said that every month his party routinely improves the data of recipients of assistance, but everything is done at the regional level in accordance with statutory regulations.

"We do regular data corrections every month through the regions," said Risma in Indramayu, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

According to him, the data correction was indeed carried out by the regions in accordance with Law Number 13 of 2011 concerning the handling of the poor, in which the data for the recipients of aid were all from the regions.

Risma said that there are two data on recipients of assistance, namely primary and secondary data, where for secondary data, the Ministry of Social Affairs has.

While primary data is owned by the regions, so that when there is a state civil apparatus (ASN) that gets assistance, it needs to get input from the region.

"In accordance with law number 13 of 2011 that the data comes from the region, so we return it to the region," he said.

Risma added that when checking data related to ASN who received assistance, his party used secondary data, so he needed to coordinate with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

However, after checking the data by BKN, it turns out that the data submitted is relatively the same as what is owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"We also know secondary data, so we check whether he is an ASN. Then we check with BKN, it turns out that BKN submitted the data to us which is relatively correct. We analyze it from secondary data, because primary data comes from the regions," he said.

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