JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy / Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf) Wishnutama Kusubandio welcomed the selection of the Warak Kayu Microlibrary as the Popular Choice Winner of the library architecture category.

The Warak Kayu Micro or Microlibrary Library was selected as the Popular Choice Winner in the library architecture category according to the 2020 Architizer A + Awards. It is hoped that this achievement can become a new tourist attraction in Semarang, Central Java.

"I hope that using wood as an environmentally friendly material and construction techniques can motivate tourism and creative economy actors in Indonesia to be able to produce creative and innovative works. So that it can encourage tourism potential in Semarang to increase and create sustainable tourism, "Wishnutama said as quoted from the Ministry of Tourism's official website, Saturday, August 8.

The Architizer A + Awards is a competition that focuses on the best architecture and architectural products in the world. Followed by more than 100 countries and assessed by more than 400,000 voters. The Architizer A + Awards is held in New York each year.

Director & Founder of SHAU Indonesia, Florina Henzelman said that the Warak Kayu Microlibrary has the main objective of increasing people's interest in reading, especially children in low-income environments.

"We see that the reading interest of the Indonesian people is still low. Therefore, we are trying to improve it by creating microlibraries that reach the community with a strategy of embracing community spaces. Not only the library, but there are elements of playing and gathering together, ”said Florina.

The added value of this library is its location which is located in the city center, precisely in Kasmaran Park. This destination also has a beautiful view of Kampung Pelangi so that it can steal the attention of world voters.

Microlibrary is an initiation of SHAU (Suryawinata Haizelman Architecture Urbanism) Indonesia in collaboration with various stakeholders, where there are government, CSR, foundation, and community.

"SHAU Indonesia designed the building architecture, while PT Kayu Lapis Indonesia supplied unused wood from factory waste. Then, the Semarang Regional Government provides land and development permits, as well as private companies that bear the costs of construction. The Harvey Center manages this library so that it can be used by the community free of charge, "said Florina.

Florina also explained that the Warak Kayu Microlibrary references the concept of a traditional Indonesian open stilt house. This technique regulates the flow of air vents, lighting, and the multifunctional concept of a room. So that there is space at the bottom for various activities that residents can do.

“There is an element of 'seating tribune' that can be used for sitting, workshop activities, or gathering. There is a wooden swing for the children, and in the library there is a net that can be used for reading, ”said Florina.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, said that public enthusiasm for the Micro Warak Kayu Library was very high.

"The concept of a house on stilts as a micro library is very interesting for residents to come. In addition, this Microlibrary will be part of a new city tourism route, where there will be free tour buses, which are expected to attract domestic and foreign tourists, "said Hendrar.

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