JAKARTA - The construction of a 168 kilometer long railway, which is planned to connect Pulau Baai Port, Bengkulu City to the Padang City station, Rejang Lebong Regency, has failed to be carried out. South Korean companies as investors did not follow up on the memorandum of understanding that was signed together.

This was revealed by the Assistant II of the Regional Secretariat of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, Yuliswani, Friday, August 7 yesterday.

"It's just that on the way there has been no follow-up from PT Pacific Global regarding the MoU and we have written a letter which essentially questions the follow-up of the MoU but until now there has been absolutely no answer," said Yuliswani as quoted by Antara, Saturday.

Even though the South Korean company is canceled, Yuliswani ensures that the infrastructure development for the rail transportation mode will continue.

He said, the construction of the railway would be carried out by the Bengkulu Province Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD), namely PD Bimex, which would later cooperate with PT. Pos Group.

"We have a meeting to discuss the investment program and infrastructure development for the Baai Island railway to Padang City with PT Pos Group and they also ask to cooperate with our BUMD," he explained.

Technically, said Yuliswani, PT Trans Rentang Nusantara as the contract holder will sign a memorandum of understanding with PD Bimex.

"After that, PD Bimex cooperates with PT Pos Group in the realization of the railroad construction," he said.

Previously, in early February, PT. Pasifik Global Investment signed a memorandum of understanding with PT. Trans Rentang Nusantara, as the holder of the railroad construction contract, was witnessed by Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah.

It is planned that the construction of this railroad from Baai Island port will pass through four regions in Bengkulu Province including Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Tengah Regency, Kepahiang Regency and Rejang Lebong Regency.

The construction of this railroad is also accompanied by the construction of a passenger station and a total of five stations are planned to be built including a station in Padang-Rejang Lebong City, a station in Head of Curup-Rejang Lebong, a station in Kepahiang Regency, Talang Empat-Bengkulu Tengah station and a station. Betungan-Bengkulu City.

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