JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim issued a learning module for elementary school (SD) students and early childhood education (PAUD). This module is for distance learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nadiem said, this module will facilitate the learning process for elementary and early childhood education students who need more intensive assistance during distance learning.

"We at the Ministry of Education and Culture are preparing specific modules that teachers and parents can independently run at home in this period of distance learning conditions," said Nadiem in a virtual press conference, Friday, August 7.

As for PAUD students, this special module is implemented on the principle of "playing is learning". The learning process occurs when children play and carry out daily activities.

"This module further enhances psychosocial, increases the joy of studying at home and reduces the boredom that often occurs for our PAUD children," said Nadiem.

Meanwhile, for elementary students, this module is oriented towards essential competencies, namely numeracy literacy, character education and life skills. "This is the focus area to do, namely basic competencies covering various subjects," he said.

Nadiem continued, this module clearly provides assistance to teachers who guide activities at home.

In addition, the module created will provide clear instructions on how parents can carry out various kinds of learning activities in detail with their children and provide instructions on how to interact with teachers.

"This is in the context of activities that can be carried out at home with clear parental assistance and giving the role of parents specifically what the role of parents is," explained Nadiem.

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