JAKARTA - Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said that his party supports the steps of the Legislative Body of the DPR in the formation of the TPKS Law and the establishment of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Formation of the TPKS Bill.
Jaleswari said that the TPKS Bill was in accordance with President Joko Widodo's directives to crack down on sexual violence with the maximum penalty. Well, the TPKS Bill, said Jaleswari, is present as a legal umbrella for the government's efforts to eradicate sexual violence.
"President Jokowi has emphasized that against sexual crimes, the government will be very firm and will not hesitate to apply the maximum penalty. The TPKS Bill is therefore in line with the president's directives," Jaleswari said in a written statement, Monday, November 22.
Jaleswari said the task force consisted of representatives of various ministries/agencies. According to him, the task force works to coordinate the government's internal steps in discussing the TPKS Bill.
"The Government Task Force has been intensively coordinating with Baleg elements in an effort to accelerate the formation of the bill," said Jaleswari.
As previously reported, the Legislative Assembly of the DPR initiated the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS). The bill could not be finalized in the 2014-2019 period due to differences of opinion in parliament and the public.
Religious organizations and the PKS faction of the DPR are some of the parties who reject the bill. They accused the PKS Bill to legalize adultery.
Last September, the PKS Bill changed its name to the TPKS Bill. A total of 85 articles were missing from the draft law. The Legislative Council (DPR) said the name change occurred after the bill drew a lot of criticism.
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