BANJARMASIN - The Banjarmasin District Prosecutor's Office in the ranks of the South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office conducted an investigation into the practice of collecting contributions for the 2021 National Health Day (HKN) in Banjarmasin City.

"Two people were questioned today, namely the 2021 HKN Implementing Committee Yanuardiansyah and the Director of the Sultan Suriansyah Hospital M Syaukani," explained the Head of Intelligence at the Banjarmasin Kejari Budi Muklish, in Banjarmasin, as reported by Antara, Monday.

He explained that the information from the two people was dug up to observe whether there was a criminal element in the practice of collecting contributions related to the implementation of the 57th Anniversary of the 2021 HKN on November 12, 2021.

From the results of the initial examination, he said, the prosecutor had secured a number of data, documents and goods related to the 2021 HKN in the City of Banjarmasin including payment receipts for contributions, dozens of 2021 HKN uniform T-shirts, bank account numbers and other documents that are not impossible. evidence.

Budi admitted that his party found indications that the request for contributions was not only offered to the managers of health service facilities and health workers, but also to a number of hotel managers in the city of Banjarmasin.

The investigation by the Banjarmasin Kejari was the result of the large number of letters circulating containing the collection of contributions from the 2021 HKN Commemoration Committee in Banjarmasin City.

The letter stated requests for contributions with various nominal amounts to a number of parties referred to as sources of funding for the 2021 HKN Commemoration in the City of Banjarmasin.

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