Viral Video Mothers Protest Complicated Path During Sim C Practice Test, Police: According To Standards
Screenshot Instagram @tante_rempong_

JAKARTA - Viral on social media is a video showing a mother protesting the practice test route for SIM C which is considered unreasonable. In fact, it is accused of being made difficult so that not many pass the exam.

In the video, it appears that the practice test path is in the form of a zigzag. Then, the participants must pass through a circular path.

"For the Indonesian National Police, why make a track like this? The model doesn't really make sense," said the mothers in the video. One of the Instagram accounts that broadcast the protests of mothers, namely @tante_rempong_

"Please, make a track that makes sense. Especially for mothers like us. The auto won't pass, and the auto shoots (pay the police, ed)," he continued.

Confirmed separately, the Head of the Sub-Directorate for SIM Korlantas Polri Kombes Djati Utomo said the practice test route was not intentionally made to cause trouble. However, according to existing standards.

"Yes, that's right (the route is in accordance with the standard)," said Djati.

The rules regarding the form of the practice test path are contained in the Perkap (Regulation of the National Police Chief) Article 62 Number 9 of 2012 concerning SIM.

In paragraph 4 of the article, several rules are stated, namely, (1) Practice Test I Materials for motorcycle test participants: a. Balance braking test, b. Slalom test (zig zag), c. The test forms the number 8, d. Avoid brake reaction test, e. Test reverse direction to form the letter U (U turn).

Then, (2) the width and length of the practical exam field I for SIM C are adjusted to the cylinder capacity and/or the dimensions of the motorcycle being ridden.

"Participants of the SIM C practice test must pass the practical, theory, and skill test stages through a simulator. This is stated in Law Number 22 Year 2009 Article 81 Paragraph (5)," said Djati.

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