MEDAN - The City of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution asked the Sumatra II River Basin Center (BWS) to immediately revitalize the Siombak Lake area in Paya Pasir Village, Medan Marelan.

"We want that next year there will be improvements to Siombak Lake, and the Medan City Government is ready to support the work carried out by the Sumatra II BWS," explained Bobby Nasution in Medan, Sunday, November 21.

Bobby Nasution said the existence of an artificial lake with an area of about 40 hectares has a lot of potentials that can be utilized, one of which is as a water reservoir.

Siombak Lake is a water reservoir because it has a diameter of about 1,000 meters and a depth of 12 meters is considered very good in overcoming the problem of flooding in the North Medan area.

"Therefore, we hope that the revitalization of Siombak Lake is included in the work program of the Sumatra II BWS, so that the people of Medan City can avoid flooding problems," explained Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Head of BWS Sumatra II, Maman Noprayamin said he had mapped the problems around Siombak Lake, namely tidal flooding, sea-level rise, garbage, water quality, and sedimentation (silting).

"To overcome these five problems, we propose to build a levee," he said at a meeting this week at the BWS Sumatra II Office.

Meanwhile, water quality problems, he continued, could be overcome by water treatment plants (WTP) and educating the public to maintain water quality.

"For garbage, we recommend building a trash rack and educating residents not to litter. Lastly, sedimentation with a sediment trap," said Maman.

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