JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that the formation of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) cyber team had nothing to do with the grant funds given by the DKI Provincial Government to the religious organization.

As is known, MUI DKI Jakarta receives grants from the DKI Provincial Government every year. The value reached more than Rp10 billion.

"There is no relationship at all. The granting of grants to MUI is routinely carried out every year," he said, Sunday, November 21.

Regarding the formation of the Jakarta MUI cyber team, Riza said, the DKI Provincial Government always wants all organizations in Jakarta to be present to provide coolness for all residents. Including, uniting all citizens.

"So, regarding any program of activities from existing Ormas, it is the right of all Ormas. We welcome it and we believe that everything must comply with existing rules and regulations," he said.

Riza said he was sure that all mass organizations understood that Indonesia was currently struggling against the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So there are no political matters in DKI Jakarta, we know that the presidential election, legislative elections, regional elections are still in 2024. We invite all citizens to work together to fight the COVID pandemic," he said.

As previously reported, the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through the Information and Communications Sector (Infokom) held a Coordination Meeting for the Information and Communications Sector throughout DKI Jakarta. One of the decisions of the coordination meeting was to conduct a massive defense of the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan.

This meeting was held at the Mandiri Wisata Bintang Hotel, early last week whose release was published on the MUI official website. Chairman of the DKI Jakarta MUI KH Munahar Muchtar in his direction was grateful for the many knowledge gained in the field of information technology in the current digitalization era.

"I hope that in today's challenging era, MUI DKI will not lose in mastering technology because the Infocom field is the brain of DKI MUI in the information sector," said Munahar.

Munahar also hopes that Infokom and the DKI MUI extended family will be able to defend and assist the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Rasyid Baswedan who has worked hard for the people of the capital.

If the buzzers look for Anies' mistakes, Infokom is asked to immediately play the narrative of Anies' success, both nationally and internationally.

"He includes 21 World Heroes. In the news, I asked the DKI MUI to appoint him because we are partners with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Munahar.

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