JAKARTA - The Medan City Government has set a high target, in two years there will be no more damaged roads. But not just meeting targets, the quality of asphalt and concrete must be really topnotch.

"In addition to achieving the target time, road repairs in Medan must also be of quality," said Bobby during the signing of the Local Electronic Catalog Umbrella Contract for Medan City Hotmix, proposed by the Medan City Public Works Office in 2021 in Meeting Room III of the mayor's office, Friday, November 19.

The signing was carried out by the Mayor together with PT Karya Murni Perkasa, PT Rapi Arjasa, PT Awiga Satria Wibawa and PT Duta Angkasa Allisione (KSO) and PT Batara Cipta Sarana. Bobby was accompanied by Assistant for Ekbang, Secretariat of Medan City, Khairul Syahnan, Assistant for General Administration, Renward Parapat, and Head of the Procurement Section for Typhoon OP Ginting.

During the meeting, Bobby Nasution also emphasized that apart from time and quality, corrupt behavior must also be eradicated.

"There should be no difference after signing this umbrella contract with the previous ones," said President Jokowi's son-in-law.

The company, continued Bobby Nasution, must understand better how to maintain quality. Maintaining the quality of work is a form of mutual support to achieve the vision and mission of Medan in the future.

“I emphasize, how the work must be able to achieve good quality. So from signing the umbrella contract in previous years with this year, there must be a difference, namely in terms of quality,” said Bobby Nasution.

Pemko Medan will also continue to maintain that every work meets good and high quality standards. Therefore, Bobby Nasution hopes that all elements can support each other so that the vision and mission of the Medan City Government is achieved.

"With this signing, I hope that all of us can support solving the problem of damaged roads, so that the welfare and peace of the people of Medan City will soon be achieved in carrying out daily activities, including economic activities in Medan City," he said.

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