JAKARTA - The land mafia is still a scourge for many parties. Artist Nirina Zubir and his family are still struggling to return their late mother's land which was allegedly seized by the land mafia. The person suspected of being the land mafia had previously worked as a household member at Nirina's mother's house; Cut Indria Marzuki. The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has spoken out loud about this land mafia case.
Puan Maharani highlighted the rampant land mafia cases that have been very detrimental to the community lately. He asked the government together with law enforcement officials to eradicate the actions of the land mafia. “Land is a source of livelihood. Those who seize land are usurpers of people's livelihoods. Must be eradicated!” said Puan, in Jakarta, 19 November.
Puan believes that the case of confiscation of land assets experienced by artist Nirina Zubir is just one example of a land mafia case that is experienced by many residents. "The case of Nirina Zubir must be a momentum for eradicating the land mafia to its roots," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives emphasized that the land mafia network must be unraveled and eradicated even though it involves many parties. He emphasized that every perpetrator in the land mafia network must be severely punished in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
“There is no tolerance for the land mafia, which robs people of their livelihood. Their actions can make people miserable, so the punishment is severe so that they are a deterrent!” said the former Coordinating Minister for PMK.
Furthermore, Puan hopes that the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/National Land Agency (BPN) will take firm action if any of its employees are involved in the land mafia. Because not a few cases of land grabbing involving government officials.
"Fire if there are elements of the Ministry of ATR/BPN who are involved in the land mafia case. The number of land cases also shows that administrative order is not optimal in managing BPN, so it must receive more attention,” said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, assessed the need to form a team for the prevention and eradication of the land mafia to resolve the internal problems of the Ministry of ATR/BPN. Puan also reminded BPN to conduct strict screening for Land Deed Maker Officials (PPAT). "Agencies that have the authority must try to find human resources with integrity so that people feel safe when managing their assets," he said.
The Ministry of ATR/BPN was also asked not to be afraid to face the land mafia network. The government and law enforcement must be able to join hands to stop rampant land mafia practices. "Improve cross-institutional cooperation so that prevention and treatment can be resolved more quickly," concluded Puan Maharani addressing the issue of the land mafia, including that which befell Nirina Zubir and her family.
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