JAKARTA - 132 functional officials in 23 types of positions were appointed by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar gave some homework directly to functional officials in each type of position.

"We tell them to be functional in responding to the problems that have arisen today due to the pandemic. After this pandemic, it's extraordinary", said Ganjar at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja building, Friday, November 19.

Ganjar said functional officials must provide support to the running of the government. Moreover, they work according to their expertise or professional in their field.

"For example, a doctor treats a patient, the labor inspector checks the safety of the workforce and the wages of the workers are busy. Then I saw the teachers, they have to shape the character of the children", he explained.

These functional officials are also obliged to uphold the four pillars of nationality, namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the 1945 Constitution. Especially teachers.

"Educate our children, especially the teachers, to love each other. Then their attitude is tolerant. As children, there is no need to question things that are SARA (Ethnic, Race, Religion, and Inter-Group) so that the child's character is formed. How then he is good, his spirituality is good, he is good emotionally, his intelligence is there", he explained.

Ganjar also gave a special message to the labor inspector. Because at this time, the workers are in turmoil to provide input on the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP).

Ganjar said that functional officials have a stigma as if they have been neglected. So Ganjar encouraged them to think innovatively and dare to give input.

“If there are innovative thoughts, give them to the leadership, if necessary, pass them on to the governor. so that we give them the spaces so that they can carry out their functions professionally and with integrity,” he said.

Meanwhile, I Luh Aqnez Sylviana, a Christian education teacher at SMAN 1 School Ungaran, said that Governor Ganjar Pranowo's message was very clear. Educators must ensure that learning takes place well.

"Especially the implementation of a hybrid PTM, and the character of students to become good individuals and be responsible for themselves and others", she said.

The inauguration of functional officials within the Central Java Provincial Government is carried out with strict and hybrid health protocols. At the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, only three functional officials were present. While others follow online.

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