MEDAN - Suspected of having an affair, a police officer in Sibolga City, North Sumatra, Aiptu ARL, was reported by his own wife, MH (47). MH reported Aiptu ARL for allegedly marrying a woman with the initials WO (33).

In his statement, the Sibolga Police Chief, AKBP Taryono Raharja, through the Head of Public Relations, Iptu R Sormin said his party had received the report.

"It is explained here that we have received MH's report or complaint," said Iptu Sormin, Friday, November 19.

Currently, his party is conducting an investigation and gathering evidence related to the report.

"Currently, we are still in the process of investigating and collecting evidence in the case of obstructed marriage by the Sibolga Police Criminal Investigation Unit," he said.

According to Iptu Sormin, based on a temporary investigation conducted by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sibolga Police, the marriage of Aiptu ARL and WO was not accompanied by a marriage certificate issued by the KUA.

"The provisional result is that the marriage that has been carried out by ARL with WO is not accompanied by a Marriage Certificate issued by the KUA in accordance with the domicile of the marriage in South Sibolga District," he said.

For AIPtu ARL, Iptu Sormin said the person concerned had been investigated by the Propam Sibolga Police. Aiptu ARL is suspected of violating Perkap No. 14 of 2011 article 11 letter C.

"Every member of the National Police is obliged to obey moral norms, religious norms, local wisdom norms and legal norms," he said.

Because, based on the records he received, until now Aiptu ARL had not divorced his wife MH.

"The person concerned has married the witness (MH) on April 15, 2000 in Labuhanbatu Regency and has been blessed with 3 children. Both have not been divorced officially or legally," he explained.

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