JAKARTA - General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Haedar Nasir, alluded to the selfishness of a few parties in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. In fact, he said, success in overcoming the pandemic through unity. "Indonesia will fail to rise and move forward when the parties are scattered and endless disputes in the iron cage of power arrogance and fiery red ananyyah-hizbiyyah (group egoism, ed). " said Haedar in the commemoration of the 109th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah which was broadcast virtually, Thursday, November 18. In the anniversary reception entitled 'Optimistic in Facing COVID-19: Spreading the Main Values', PP Muhammadiyah hopes that the Indonesian people can be swift in solving the country's problems. . In particular, recovering from a pandemic.

"Indonesia has positive potential and opportunities to emerge from the pandemic and resolve the country's problems," said Haedar.

Haedar reminded that the language of love, togetherness, and service of various components of the nation that is still growing well must be maintained and cared for.

"Because there are many great potentials of the country's children and achievers in the country and abroad. Indonesia's natural and cultural wealth is very rich as a gift from God," he said.

According to him, an optimistic attitude accompanied by efforts to rise must be carried out by the government and all the people. "Because the pandemic and the country's problems can be solved simultaneously if all parties unite within the framework of Indonesia, which belongs to togetherness, accompanied by an attitude of prioritizing the interests of the nation and state above the will of self, cronies, groups, and their own interests," said Haedar.

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