JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini said that there are residents who live in the elite Menteng area, Central Jakarta, still receiving social assistance (bansos). Thursday, November 18. Risma explained that the resident who received the social assistance in Menteng had a house with an area of more than 100 square meters. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, a house of that size is not entitled to receive social assistance, let alone live in the elite area of Menteng. According to Risma, apart from owning a 100 square meter house, those who receive regular income from the government may not receive social assistance. "We will submit the findings to the local government for re-examination and follow-up." The Ministry of Social Affairs will also periodically update the data to improve the accuracy of targeting beneficiaries. The Ministry of Social Affairs also matches the Population Identification Number (NIK) registered with the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Previously, Risma said that there were around 31,000 state civil servants (ASN) who were indicated to receive social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, both for Family Hope Recipients (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT). There are 31,624 ASN in the data indicating that there are civil servants," said Risma. Risma explained that the data was obtained when the Ministry of Social Affairs conducted periodic verification of the data on social assistance recipients. Of the 31 thousand, 28,965 people are active civil servants and the rest are retirees who are actually not allowed to receive social assistance.

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