BANDUNG - The Attorney General's Office has transferred Dwi Hartanta from his position as General Criminal Assistant to the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Aspidum Kejati), as a result of an alleged violation of the handling of the case of a wife who was prosecuted in prison for scolding her husband in Karawang.

The head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information, Leonard Simanjuntak, was transferred based on the Decree of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: KEP-IV-781/C/11/2021.

"Dwi Hartanta has been transferred as a Functional Attorney to the Deputy Attorney General for the Guidance of the Attorney General's Office in Jakarta (Member of the Special Task Force for Strategic Policy Preparation)," Leonard said in a statement received in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

Furthermore, Leonard said, the Aspidum position was filled by the executor (Plt) namely Riyono. Currently, Riyono himself is a Special Criminal Assistant (Aspidsus) at the West Java Prosecutor's Office.

"In addition to his daily duties as Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Java High Court in Bandung until a definitive official is appointed by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

According to him, Dwi Hartanta's mutation was a form of diagonal mutation which was carried out in the framework of the functional examination process of the Attorney General's Office of Supervision.

"Based on Article 29 paragraph (3) of the Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2019 concerning Career Management of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia, it is stated that the career pattern of employees can be formed horizontally, vertically and diagonally," Leonard said.

As for the case of the wife who is being prosecuted for imprisonment for scolding her husband, it is suspected that there was a violation in the handling of the case. The reason is, the wife named Valencya alias Nengsy Lim is suspected of being a victim of domestic violence.

So far, nine prosecutors from both the West Java Attorney General's Office and the Karawang District Attorney's Office, including Dwi Hartanta, are currently undergoing examination by the Deputy Attorney General for Supervision (Jamwas).

In this case, the prosecutors who handled it were judged to have no sensitivity in handling cases. In addition, both the Kejari Karawang and the Prosecutor's Office of West Java are also considered not to follow the "Seven Daily Orders of the Attorney General" as a norm or rule in carrying out their duties.

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