JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician Fadli Zon's activities on Twitter for the past four days have been quiet. Usually, Fadli's thumbs are actively twittering about various issues in the country, ranging from politics, economics or social issues.

The silence of Fadli's activities on his official account @fadlizon seems to be monitored by social media activist Denny Siregar. Especially regarding Densus 88, which managed to nab three terrorism suspects recently. Fadli Zon is usually 'hard' about the actions of Densus 88.

Denny also insinuated that this member of Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia is no longer sarcastic in the application with the blue bird symbol.

"It's been 4 days no tweet from the noble @fadlizon," said Denny.

"Usually, if there is an arrest of Densus 88-especially if the one arrested from the ulema assembly-duh, it sounds like a mother bidding water spinach in the market. Is she still fainting from being thrown by her phone?" Denny tweeted @Dennysiregar7 reported Wednesday, November 17th.

Fadli Zon previously satirized President Joko Widodo about the flooding in Sintang, West Kalimantan (Kalbar). Apparently this satire had a long tail, because Fadli received a direct warning from the General Chair of Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto.

It started with a tweet from Fadli Zon who commented on Jokowi after directly testing the Mandalika Circuit in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), Central Lombok, NTB.

The chairman of the DPR's BKSAP gave his appreciation, as well as satirizing Jokowi about the Sintang flood. It is known, the flood that hit Sintang did occur for more than two weeks. The Sintang flood has not subsided and has caused thousands of houses to be submerged.

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