JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said that welfare between workers and industry must be carried out fairly because this is in accordance with the fifth principle of Pancasila, namely Social Justice for All Indonesian People.

"So a sense of justice is being fought for, and that's why I am here. I came as a leader to try to balance justice between industry and the struggle of workers," said Ridwan Kamil in a press release, Wednesday, November 17.

The West Java Provincial Government is committed to providing welfare to the workers. However, the provision of this welfare must still follow the principle of justice.

It is this justice that is upheld that makes investment in West Java -- said Kang Emil -- high. Based on data from the West Java One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP), the realization of investment for the January to September 2021 period was IDR 107.23 trillion, an increase of IDR 20.90 trillion from the same period last year (year on year / yoy).

The investment realization figure for West Java has reached 84.21 percent of the target set by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), which is Rp. 127.34 trillion. From the realization of the investment achieved, there were as many as 23,749 projects that came to West Java and managed to absorb as many as 87,766 new workers.

This figure is predicted to continue to increase following the ongoing development in West Java. So that the development carried out is also expected to contribute to the welfare of the community, including workers.

"We hope that the economic development system in West Java will maximize its welfare in the future according to the fifth principle of social justice," said Ridwan Kamil at the IXth Conference of the DPD KSPSI West Java Province for the period 2021-2026 at the Bumi Makmur Indah Hotel, Lembang, West Bandung Regency.

Ridwan Kamil also hopes that the workers can become strategic partners of the West Java Provincial Government.

"Therefore, I pray that SPSI will run smoothly in the new leadership, which will become a strategic partner for things that I do not understand," said Ridwan Kamil.

West Java's 2021 UMP is at IDR 1,810,351 and during the 2020 discussion, it was recorded that the UMK in 17 regencies/cities had increased, the rest remained the same.

The West Java Provincial Government itself is currently working on the 2022 minimum wage (UMP) which will be the basis for determining the district/city minimum wage (UMK).

In accordance with PP 36 of 2021, the UMP must be announced no later than November 21 and the UMK 30 November 2021. Unlike last year, the amount of the 2022 UMP is determined based on an instrument from BPS submitted by the Ministry of Manpower to the Governor.

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