JAKARTA - General Andika Perkasa has officially become the TNI Commander after being inaugurated by President Jokowi. After the inauguration, Jokowi gave a special message to General Andika Perkasa.

After giving a press statement after the inauguration, Andika said that there were a number of messages given by President Jokowi. Not going into details, he just said the message was intended for himself and his family.

"Yes, but yes, it's for me and my family. But the point is, I will carry out my duties to the best of my ability," Andika said in a press statement at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 17.

General Andika Perkasa emphasized that he would carry out his duties to the best of his ability. He said he would carry out the existing work program.

"Our work program will continue in general because we are already limited in space, the space in which our duties have also been stated in Law Number 34 of 2004," he continued.

He said he would do his job well. Moreover, his position as TNI Commander is a trust given by President Jokowi with the support of the Indonesian Parliament.

"The point is I will do my job to the best of my ability," he said.

Furthermore, later Andika will also conduct an evaluation. From this evaluation, he will later carry out the necessary improvements within the TNI.

"So I will continue, but it's just the details of each task (there, ed) that need a little evaluation and improvement here and there," he said.

In addition, he also asked TNI soldiers to be themselves.

"I want us to be part of ourselves, of all of us in the midst of our family, friends, and relatives because we are part of them," he concluded.

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