Proposes Budget For Visits To Rp49 Billion Electoral District, DKI DPRD: All Factions Agree
Illustration-DKI DPRD Building (Photo: DOK VOI)

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD proposed a budget of IDR 49 billion for visits to electoral districts (dapil) to meet citizens every month in 2022. However, this activity is different from recess.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the Democratic Faction, Misan Samsuri admitted that this proposal was agreed upon by all factions, namely PDIP, Gerindra, PAN, Democrat, PSI, PKS, Nasdem, Golkar, and PKB-PPP.

"I think all factions of the DPRD agree. As long as it's for the benefit of the people of Jakarta, I don't think it's a problem, yes," said Misan to reporters, Wednesday, November 17.

Misan admitted, in fact the application for electoral funds had been submitted 2 years ago. However, at that time it had not been implemented and had not been included in the APBD due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the DPRD avoids activities that have the potential to cause crowds.

"Actually, there was a (submission) first, about 2-3 years ago, it just didn't work. For what reason? Because at that time we had COVID-19, we couldn't gather together, right, residents," said Misan.

Misan considers that in 2022 the budget for this electoral visit can be re-submitted, given the improving conditions of the pandemic. Then, the DKI DPRD also agreed to assess that the recess activities carried out 3 times a year were not enough to accommodate the aspirations of the residents.

"In principle, the visit to the electoral district is in the context of absorbing aspirations. There are 106 DPRD members spread over 10 electoral districts. This means that they can return to their electoral districts, accommodate and absorb aspirations. What should he do in each electoral district? ," he explained.

For information, the Rp49 billion electoral district fund is included in the DPRD's Annual Work Plan (RKT) budget for the General Policy on Budget and Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2022 budget year.

If approved in the 2022 APBD, this visit to residents will be carried out once a month. Later, the 106 DPRD members will receive a budget of around 4 billion per month.

If divided equally, each DPRD member will pocket a budget of up to IDR 40 million per month for the visit. The budget for the visit will be used for accommodation, such as providing food to the community, renting tents, and purchasing stationery equipment.

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