JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy, asked the public to be patient in waiting for the results of the investigation into the cause of the PT Kilang Pertamina International (KPI) tank fire in Cilacap Unit and to avoid speculation about it. in a press release in Semarang, reported by Antara, November 17. According to him, a joint team from the National Police Headquarters, the Central Java Police, and the Cilacap Police Station are still in the field to identify. As many as 13 witnesses have been questioned in the investigation of the incident, including the chief officers electrical engineer at the installation.

He added that the officers had also taken samples of the fluid remaining from the fire in the fuel storage tank. "With all the evidence and witness statements, it is hoped that the results of a comprehensive and accountable investigation can be obtained," he said. occurred on Saturday, November 13 at 19.10 WIB. The fire in the tank containing the pertalite component was successfully extinguished on Sunday, November 14 at 07.45 WIB, and was declared safe at 09.15 WIB.

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