JAKARTA - The circulation of narcotics towards the turn of the year is increasingly rampant. Repeatedly the action was carried out as if it had little effect. Starting from international networks to Correctional Institutions (Lapas) are called the culprits.
A sense of security is one of the factors in which prisoners still play a role in the narcotics network. Perhaps the reason is, these perpetrators have languished behind bars so that they are not afraid to remain in the black world of drugs.
However, the prisoners used other people to run the illicit business. For example, Taufik Rachman. He is an accomplice of a prisoner named Yoman Crey Louhen Febry who is languishing in the Garut regional prison, West Java.
However, unfortunately, his actions as an accomplice to a prisoner had to end. The police were forced to take firm action because they resisted when asked to designate a narcotics storage area in the Cakung area, East Jakarta.
The form of resistance that was carried out was trying to shoot officers with homemade firearms hidden in narcotics storage areas.
"(The suspect) took out a homemade firearm that was trying to be directed at the officer. With measured action and according to existing standard operating procedures, the officer fired the suspect," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus in Jakarta, December 22.
Previously, Taufik Rachman was arrested in the West Bandung area. His disclosure was the aftermath of the response of nine other people. They are related drug dealers.
Meanwhile, the arrest of nine other people began on Sunday, December 15, when the police arrested Antoni Saputra at Jalan Gunung Sahari, Central Jakarta. Then they were immediately questioned and received information about the existence of people involved in narcotics trafficking. It's just that, the location of its existence is in the area of Bandung, West Java.
Armed with this information, the police moved to the location and arrested Muhamad Reza Maulana, Dian Ardiansyah Yadi Rusmayadi. However, the evidence found was only 1 item of inex type of illegal drug. So that it was immediately developed, and it was known if the origin of the prohibited item came from Banceuy prison, Bandung, West Java.
"By coordinating with the correctional institutions, we secured two prisoners, Yanyan Setia Bintara and Asep Budianto," said Yusri.
On the same occasion, Kabagbinops, Directorate of Narcotics Research, Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Johanes Kindangen added, redevelopment is being carried out. From the statements of the two prisoners, it was known that the inex came from a prison in the Garut area, West Java.
They, namely two prisoners, Yoman Gray Louhen Febry and Hendra. In addition, a courier, Jalaluddin was also arrested. "From the statement of one of the prisoners, we pocketed the identity of TR. Which we later arrested," said Yohanes.
For their actions, the nine suspects were charged under Article 114 paragraph 1 and 112 paragraph 1 RI Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.
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