JAKARTA - The National Police Chief of Traffic Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi led the handover ceremony for the positions of the Regident Director and the Director of the National Police's Gakkum Korlantas at the NTMC building.

The certification procession is carried out by signing an integrity pact and taking the oath of office. Firman led the reading of the oath which was followed by the inaugurated officials.

"By Allah, I swear to be loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and will carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible for the sake of my dharma of service to the nation and state," said the Head of Traffic Police, followed by Dirregident and Dirgakkum who was sworn in, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 16.

Furthermore, in carrying out the duties of the position, he will uphold the ethics of the position, work as well as possible, and be full of responsibility.

As a Bhayangkara soldier, he will uphold Tribrata and Catur Prasetya in carrying out his duty of service to the nation and state.

Regindet Director Certificate (PHOTO VIA ANTARA)

The position of Director Regident from Brigadier General Yusuf to Brigadier General Yusri Yunus, while Director of Gakkum from Brigadier General Kushariyanto to Police Brigadier General Aan Suhanan according to the Chief of Police's Telegram Letter which was sent down on October 31, 2021.

The certification event was held by implementing health protocols and was only attended by representatives per work unit.

Also present at the certification procession were the Dirkamsel of the Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Chryshnanda Dwilaksana and the main officials of the Korlantas Polri.

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