JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said his party has always been committed to building an anti-corruption culture by taking a number of corruption prevention efforts.

This statement was made by Hasto after hearing material presented by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri at the PDIP National Cadre Education (PKN) event, Tuesday, November 16.

He said that his party had made a number of things to build a culture of preventing corruption. The first is to ensure that psychological tests and party schools are mandatory for PDIP cadres.

"This psychological test also measures the aspect of integrity. Meanwhile, party schools build awareness so that power can be used properly without corruption," said Hasto in a written statement.

Furthermore, the party bearing the symbol of a white-snouted bull also continues to build a party system to prevent corrupt practices. Hasto said that PDIP even has rules to sanction all party leaders and structures who abuse their position or power.

Not only that, his party also has clear rules regarding the stages of becoming a member of the legislature, regional heads and their representatives, legislative leaders, as well as parati leaders. With these various regulations, Hasto believes, internal corruption within the PDIP can be combated.

"For example, by eliminating the one man, one vote and one value mechanism in the election of party leadership and replacing it with a merit system, including deliberation, costs can be reduced," he explained.

"The strategy to win gotong royong is also built in the context of an effort to prevent corruption, by reducing the cost of elections at the expense of each person," added Hasto.

Finally, efforts to remind party cadres not to abuse their positions are also often conveyed by the PDIP DPP, although there are still cadres who are caught in the practice of racism.

"Despite repeated reminders, these problems still occur. Discipline and awareness to avoid corruption is what the party continues to build," said Hasto.

Responding to Hasto's statement, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri said that each party must have a cadre education system that instills anti-corruption culture and values. "We instill in ourselves and our entire society so that they become good characters, individuals. Because we want to build an anti-corruption culture," he said.

Firli said it was important to do this, Indonesia has a common enemy, namely corruption in addition to narcotics crimes and terrorism.

"Together with other enemies, both natural and non-natural disasters such as COVID-19. Let's build togetherness so that we can get through this crisis," he concluded.

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