JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, reminded DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Basweadan to ensure that the commitment to eradicate illegal levies or extortion in the capital city will continue.

Because, according to Mahfud, Jakarta is the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. If there is still extortion that spreads in Jakarta, then indirectly Indonesia will also be seen as bad.

"I thank the governor for declaring Jakarta a province free of extortion. For what reason, Jakarta is the window of the state. Who wants to know Indonesia, look at Jakarta. Jakarta is good, Indonesia has a good impression. Jakarta is bad, Indonesia has a bad impression," said Mahfud at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 16.

The eradication of extortion referred to by Mahfud is not only in the public service sector carried out by government officials, but also extortion in the private sector.

In the government public service sector, the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government must ensure the eradication of extortion is carried out. Meanwhile, extortion in the private sector is supervised by the police.

"The sector is carried out by the private sector, the extortion carried out by thugs is directly handled as well. Not by Saber Pungli, but by the police in their regular duties. There are port thugs, loan sharks, and so on, all of which are handled by ourselves for our order and especially for context. today is Jakarta," explained Mahfud.

Today, Anies Baswedan signed the commitment for the Jakarta City to be Free from Extortion in 2021 at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. The signing was also attended by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Inspectorate of General Supervision of the National Police, Kapolda Metro Jaya, Pangdam Jaya, Chairman of the Ombudsman Representative of DKI Jakarta, and other relevant agencies.

"Jakarta has expressed its commitment to all of its territory, we are administratively divided into 6 regions. Hopefully all areas are free from extortion," said Anies. However, he emphasized that his men had been given sufficient income. Thus, there is no reason for the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government to carry out extortion.

"On the need factor, all ranks in DKI Jakarta are given sufficient allowances to live properly in Jakarta. So, for reasons of need, there is no longer a need, because it has been fulfilled," said Anies.

While in the system arrangement, Anies said that in Jakarta almost everything is digitized for the entire licensing process, and almost all services are done digitally, where we have the JAKI (Jakarta Now Application).

Then on the greed factor, Anies admitted that there is no cure for this. "There is no cure for this greed. It can be stopped with fear, God willing, it will have a deterrent effect. So, we hope that the three factors where illegal levies occur, hopefully we can control," said Anies.

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