GIANYAR- The party of liquor (liquor) palm wine culminated in a commotion. A man named I Made Windu (36) carried out the persecution by punching his own friend I Gede Wardana (35) until his teeth fell out.

"As a result of the incident, the victim suffered a loose upper front incisor and an injured lip," said Tegalalang Police Chief, AKP I Ketut Sudita, Tuesday, November 16.

The incident occurred at a boarding house in Kedisan Village, Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency, Bali, at midnight Saturday, November 13.

At that time the victim and his friend I Wayan Juniasa visited his friend's boarding house named Gede Muliada alias Dono to visit because he was sick.

Arriving there, the victim saw the perpetrator and his friend, Bambang, drinking. The victim greeted the perpetrator and his friend and then enjoyed the wine together.

For some reason, the perpetrator suddenly hit the victim until he fell. When the victim stood up, the perpetrator hit again until the victim's teeth fell out.

At the time of the incident, a number of people tried to intervene. The victim left the location with I Wayan Juniasa.

"When he arrived at the boarding house, the victim felt his sore lips bleeding, one front incisor fell off and there was a bruise on his lip," said Sudita.

The perpetrator was influenced by alcohol to assault the victim. The perpetrator was arrested by the police but later this case was not followed up with the legal process.

"It's been peaceful for the victim, an agreement between the two parties," said AKP Sudita.

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