JAKARTA - General Andika Perkasa is rumored to be officially inaugurated by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, on Wednesday, November 17, tomorrow.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Dave Akbarshah Fikarno alias Dave Laksono hopes that the intense communication between General Andika Perkasa and the defense commission will continue to run well. So that all issues can be resolved immediately.

"And also what are the obstacles to the problem, mainly we can solve the defense well, we will find a solution," said Dave when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, November 16. Dave reminded that as TNI Commander General Andika must immediately explain his work plan to all his personnel. Where, the commander is the highest leadership for members of the TNI, both land, sea and air. Dave said, all the Matra must be synergized. "So instead of having to embrace it or what not, it should immediately call to explain his work plan," said Dave. With a term of office that according to law will end at the end of 2022, the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa must ensure that the program runs well and can leave a legacy for the next TNI leadership. "Don't say the term of office is a year or not, because the term of office depends on the president. It could be that in less than a year there will be a new commander in chief. But with the time he has and the abilities he has, it must be optimal and carried out well," explained Dave. Regarding the steps taken by the TNI Commander, the Golkar politician, assesses that the Papua issue also needs very special handling because it involves the unity and integrity of the nation as a whole. He emphasized that Papua is part of Indonesia and cannot be separated. "So a very intensive approach that involves all elements. So it cannot be left to the commander in chief, but the presence of the TNI in Papua must really be seen and felt," he said. the Papuan people that it is the presence of the TNI to serve that must be highlighted," he continued. Although many complain about the problem of funding, according to Dave, there are many ways to cover this shortfall, such as technological developments. "It can be developed to cover the shortage or needs of the TNI," said Dave.

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